January 26, 2025

1/26/25 Why We are Protestant 4: The Bible is our Only Infallible Authority

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In our fourth and final sermon in this series on the Bible and why we are Protestant, we delve into the question of authority. As Protestants in the Anglican tradition, there are two important truths that we hold. One is that the Bible is not our only authority; it is not the only voice we listen to. However, the second is that Bible is our only “inspired and infallible authority.” It is the authority that all others are measured against. So while we pay heed to what the early church fathers said, to the Creeds, to the decrees of the 7 Ecumenical Councils, etc., we weigh these against the clear teaching of Scripture.

This is especially so with regard to the question of salvation. On this question of “what must one do to be saved?” we believe the Bible is sufficient and clear. This conviction is why we affirm the doctrine that we are justified by faith. Other traditions, such as Rome and the East, do not believe that the Bible is sufficient and clear on this question of salvation and therefore look to Tradition (in different ways) to provide an inspired, infallible interpretation of Scripture. This is a vitally important question that we need to ask and think deeply about. The Anglican 39 Articles of Religion, our confession, state that the Bible is sufficient and only what the Bible clearly teaches can be required of any person to believe for salvation.