Sunday Worship

On Sundays we gather together as a whole family to meet with the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The service normally lasts about 90 minutes and follows a liturgy which focuses on Jesus: His life, atoning death and resurrection.

Our worship is Bible rich, gospel centered, and anchored in the two primary ways that God ministers to us:

  • In the reading and preaching of His Word.
  • In feasting at His table in the Lord’s Supper.

We respond to God in the reciting of creeds, confession of our sins, singing songs of praise and thanksgiving, and in prayers we lift up to Him. We also incorporate our whole body in worship as we sit, stand, and kneel at different times.F


Our conviction is that worship is for the whole family, and so we invite families with children to participate in the entire worship service. On every Sunday but the last Sunday of the month, we have a children's teaching time during the sermon for young children. All of our children's workers have been background checked and have received child protection training.

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