Annual All Church Meeting
Following worship on January 28, we will be having our Annual All Church Meeting. If you are a covenant member, then please do everything you can to be present. Pastor Shane will be giving a state of the church address, and we will also be hearing from Pastor Scott and Cody Kelley our Treasurer. This is a time for us to look back at 2023 and look ahead at 2024. We have so much to be thankful for.
Also at this meeting, members will voting to ratify two Parish Council members: Cody Kelley and Sharlene Utz. Both of them are current members whose 2 year term is ending. Parish Council members may serve 2 consecutive terms and both Cody and Sharlene have agreed to serve again for another two years. The Parish Council is a lay leadership team that works with the Senior Pastor (Rector). Simply put, the Senior Pastor has oversight over the spiritual life of the church and the Parish Council has oversight over the temporal (financial) matters of the church.
We are also presenting a fully revised bylaws that needs approval by majority vote of all covenant members present. The Parish Council worked all year to do an overhaul of the current bylaws using the Diocese of the Rocky Mountain template to clean up numerous areas. The bylaws will be emailed to all members to review before the meeting.