Sunday Worship: The 14th Sunday after Trinity


September 1, 2024    
9:00 am - 10:30 am


St. George's Anglican Church
1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85015

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This is the 14th Sunday after Trinity Sunday. It is also the first Sunday of the month and we will be doing Morning Prayer with Communion. Pastor Shane will be preaching.

To prepare for worship, read the Collect and Scripture lessons.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Psalm: 46
OT: Ezekiel 33:21-33
Epistle: Galatians 5:16-24
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

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