October 8, 2023

10/08/2023 Romans 9:14-18 The Merciful Work of God in Election

Passage: Romans 9:14-18
Service Type:

In verses 14-18 of chapter 9, Paul answers the next objection to God’s choice to save some sinners and not others. In our humanness, we can respond to God’s statement that he loved Jacob and hated Esau with, “that’s not right (or fair).” The reality is that God does not choose in the same way that human beings choose. He is fully righteous and just and never partial. Whereas, all we know is choice that includes partiality. God declares one thing over and over, from the start of the Bible to the end, His choice is based solely in His nature, which is to have mercy. And He is free to show mercy as He wills and for His glory.

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