May 28, 2023

5/28/23 Romans 8:5-8 Set Your Mind on the Spirit

Passage: Romans 8:5-8
Service Type:

Sunday was Pentecost Sunday which is all about the coming of the Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:5-8, Paul unfolds for us how we walk out our life in the Spirit. He reminds us that who we are determines what we do, meaning that who we are determines what our desires and affections are. Because we are Christians, we have been born again by the Spirit, and so we are enabled to put our minds on the things of the Spirit and live accordingly. This was not possible before, as we saw in Romans 1, but because of Christ’s work and the Spirit’s indwelling ministry, it is now possible, and so Paul calls us to do it. We are to set our minds on the Spirit and live accordingly because the Spirit has given us new life in Christ.

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