6/18/23 Romans 8:18-23 The Surpassing Weight of Our Future Glory over Present Sufferings
After discussing the glories of adoption, Paul continues by explaining the joy that that offers to us as we face persecution on a daily basis. He reminds us that persecution and suffering are promised to all those who are in Christ, but the joys of the glory that Christ has secured for us are far greater than any suffering this world can throw at us. This is because the full reality of adoption will be revealed when Christ returns and we are revealed to be the sons of God. At that day, not only will we rejoice, but the whole creation will rejoice, for all things will be made new and the curse that Adam brought on humanity and creation will be finally ended. Paul reveals to us that our future is one of being known and loved as the children of God. This is in stark contrast to any other worldview which sees the future of even the most religious and pious as simply ceasing to exist. Paul offers us true joy and hope in the future as all things are made new and we, as believers, dwell personally in perfect fellowship with our Creator.